(Note from Mom: Anyone else find a hidden 'announcement' in these verses?)
From the Book of Hallett 3:1-11
1. And verily, verily it came to pass that Sister Starrs and Sister Hallett did toil in the land of Nauvoo for many more days. And Lo, they did work many long hours and hard work and did all they could to be pleasing unto the Camps, that the shows might be of a quality to magnify the work.
2. And Elder Mortenson had patience with his female companions.
3. And they did get bikes, and did ride them around the town until they were pained, and further, up the steep hill towards the temple, and yea, they did hurt many hurts for many days in the land of Nauvoo.
4. And Elder Mortenson did listen to their cries and laughed, and gave unto them chairs and told them funny stories about riding bikes in Huston, Texas in the middle of August, and did tell them to suck it up and take some aspirin. And they did.
5. And Elder Camp did forget to pick up the Technical Missionaries in the Facilities management compound, which was, at the time, about 3 miles away from the place of their working. And the techs did vow to never let him live it down, as they had to walk from FM to the visitors center and he picked them up only about 1/4 mile outside of the visitors center.
6. But they got free bread, so it was okay.
7. And Elder Mortenson had even more patience and ate his free bread, and told us about creepy haunted houses in Huston.
8. Verily, Verily in the week of hard labor, in the city of Nauvoo, in the land of Illinois, Sister Hallett did give a pass along card to a man in the Mart of Wal, and she did share the gospel with him for but a brief moment, and he believed we were like Amish Muslims, and he was mistaken. And she did meet others in the Mart of Wal, and invited them to come to a rehearsal of the shows, and they did come, and Sister Hallett rejoiced.
9. And Sister Hallett did realize her love of sharing the gospel and does desire to serve a longer season.
10. And Sister Hallett did learn to love the midwest, and the people in it, and saw them as their Father in Heaven saw them, and did love them, and desired for their salvation, and would talk to them all, had she time.
11. And she said unto her companion: "Companion, I would stay here forever, if I could" and her companion said "Sister Hallett. Stop talking like you're a missionary in the Book of Mormon."
So you could say its been a pretty great week. With utter exhaustion abound, some pretty great things have been said.
Sister Tingey: "Guys, what state are we in?"
Sister Hess: "We just crossed into Iowa."
"You know you're a YPM when Sister Romney turns to you and says in all honest excitement, 'ELDER COBIA! WE GET TO GO TO WALMART TOMORROW!!!" -Elder Cobia
(in prayer) "We thank thee for............................................... *nudge* Oh my gosh, I just fell asleep giving the prayer." -Sister Packer
(in prayer) "Please help us to fully experience this experience fully." Elder Cavenee
"I DIDNT FORGET YOU!" -Elder Camp, picking us up on the side of a long dirt road.
"That's the joy of being a visitors center missionary. After 6 pm, we all take off our shoes." -Sister Richardson (A full time sister missionary here.)
I love you all, the church is true, all is well, all is well.
Sister Hallett.